Farme is a data-driven agritech startup that provides an online marketplace for the farmers of India. A “one-stop-shop” for the farming community, our aim is to bridge the gap between farmers and quality agro-input products to increase yield, reduce costs, and manage crops more efficiently. We provide ethically sourced and 100% authentic quality agri-input products. Owning a ‘farmer first’ approach, Farme unites technology with years of agri-knowledge to guide farmers every step of the way. Current agricultural practices in India are neither economically nor environmentally sustainable and India’s yields for many agricultural commodities are low. Farmers’ access to markets is hampered by poor roads and rudimentary market infrastructure. Crop choices or even application of inputs like fertilizers are far removed from proper science as “Conventional wisdom” dominates the agricultural industry. With a need to shift from basic farming to more efficient, sustainable, and productive farming, Farme aims to harness technology to reduce costs and increase yields. We want to revolutionise the agricultural industry through digital farming. Our goal is to develop an integrated tech-driven ecosystem that revolves around the needs of the farmer and provides them with end-to-end solutions. With transparency and honesty at the core of our foundation, our mission is to create a significant and positive socio-economic impact on the farming community in india.